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Preschool Enrollment

Preschool registration for the 2025-2026 school year will open on Friday, January 10 at 6 AM. Please look for a pop up window on the district home page with a link to enroll. If you have any questions, call 440-353-1100.

Preschool registration for the 2024-2025 school year is open.  
Note: You must be pre-approved prior to starting the online registration process for preschool. Students must be 3 years of age and potty-trained by September 30 in order to be enrolled.  Please contact the Early Childhood Learning Community at 440-353-1100 with any questions about preschool.

Please review the following information carefully before beginning the online enrollment process. You will need to begin by clicking the link at the bottom of the page. If you do not already have an account, you will need to click the create account button. For questions regarding the online registration process, please use the Online Registration User Guide

Please read the following information carefully.  Enrollment appointments for preschool students registering are NOT required.  All of the preschool registration documents MUST be uploaded with the online application at the time of submission. If you have trouble submitting these documents, they can be emailed to, or placed in a sealed envelope. Envelopes are to be labeled preschool and dropped in the marked drop box outside of the east entrance at 5490 Mills Creek Lane. Please note that formal registration will not occur until all required documents are received.

If parents are divorced: The parent with legal custody must present a certified copy of the court order awarding legal custody.  If a custody change is pending, the non-custodial parent must present a dated, time-stamped copy of the court filing, showing the motion for the change of custody.  The non-custodial parent is then given 60 days to present a certified copy of the final decree. 

For enrollment, we do require a copy of the child's birth certificate. If born in Ohio, you can get one printed at the Lorain County Public Health Department for $25. You can visit their website at or visit the office at 9880 S. Murray Ridge Road in Elyria between the hours of 8 AM and 4 PM Monday through Friday.

The residency information supplied is true and accurate, and is not fabricated to circumvent the attendance laws of the State of Ohio or the policies of the North Ridgeville School Board of Education requiring legal residency to attend the North Ridgeville Schools.

Please click here to begin preschool registration for the 2024-2025 school year.