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Current Job Postings


If you are looking to become a full-time employee for the North Ridgeville City Schools, click here to be directed to Applitrack application website to see current job openings.


High school art teacher helping students in classroom

Substitute support staff play a vital role in keeping our buildings and facilities open and running efficiently. Many diverse opportunities exist for your consideration. Please consider applying to become a substitute cleaner, custodian, food service worker, paraprofessional, media specialist, secretary, bus driver and aides, or health care associate.


NRCS hires substitute bus drivers, bus aides, cleaners, custodians, food service employees, building nurses, media specialists, paraprofessionals, and secretaries. Please start an application here if interested in one of these positions.

Paraprofessionals holding flowers

The North Ridgeville City Schools are currently looking for flexible, compassionate individuals who are committed to student learning and success to work as substitute teachers. Substitute teachers play a vital role in keeping our buildings and facilities open and running efficiently. This position allows substitutes to work in an environment that impacts the lives of students every day, allows employees to gain valuable experience in the classroom, and provides a great deal of flexibility in scheduling their work day. 

Ohio Substitute Teacher Services serves as our district’s substitute management provider, responsible for the recruitment, training, and employment of substitute teachers. To begin the employment process as a valued substitute teacher for North Ridgeville City Schools, click here.
Requirements include, but are not limited to:

  • Bachelor’s degree with official transcripts or a valid teaching and/or substitute license from the Ohio Department of Education.
  • Valid BCI & FBI fingerprinting background check results in less than 12 months old and are on file with the Ohio Department of Education.

Please consider becoming a substitute teacher today!