Preschool and Kindergarten Forms
Preschool students are required to have their immunizations up to date per the requirements of the Ohio Department of Health appropriate for the age of your student. If your student is not vaccinated, North Ridgeville City School requires a completed immunization exemption form on file. Preschool students are required to have a completed physician form on file that is valid for the entire school year. A valid physical is good for 13 months. It is encouraged to have a dental form on file for preschoolers.
Kindergarten students are required to have their immunizations up to date per the requirements of the Ohio Department of Health appropriate for the age of your student. If your student is not vaccinated, North Ridgeville City School requires a completed immunization exemption. The school must have written proof of immunizations on or before September 17, 2024, or your student will be excluded from school.
It is best to have all required forms to nursing prior to your student starting school. Please contact the preschool/kindergarten nurse at 440-327-1284 with any questions.