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Student Services

The North Ridgeville City School District provides a multitude of services for students from preschool through high school:

  • Special education services (intervention and assessment)
  • Section 504, homeless children and youth program
  • English Learner (EL) services
  • Mental health services.

The Student Services Department is committed to providing students with programs and resources to be successful throughout their school careers and beyond. Our goal is to assist families and school team members in addressing the needs of all students under any circumstance.

The Office of Student Services has oversight of the district’s special education services, Section 504 Compliance, English Language Services, homeless support, central registration, home instruction, residency and custody verification, school counseling, and district health services.

Student Services is a major component of the total instructional program of the North Ridgeville  City Schools, as noted through the following services:

  • For students who are suspected of having a disability, a multifactored evaluation process is available for students ages 3-21.
  • All school buildings (preschool through grade 12) offer inclusion opportunities and cross-categorical special-class learning centers for students with autism, specific learning disabilities, visual and/or hearing impairments, orthopedic handicaps, cognitive disabilities, traumatic brain injury, emotional disturbance, speech-language, multiple disabilities, and other health impairments.
  • School counselors are available at every level to assist students in PreK-12 with academic/adjustment problems.
  • Home instruction services provided by certified teachers are available to students who are unable to attend school for an extended period of time, as documented by a medical doctor.
  • A specialized preschool program for children who have identified disabilities is available for children ages three to five.
  • Section 504 policies are monitored for compliance at all levels.
  • Related services for students with disabilities are monitored for oversight at all levels, including speech and language, occupational therapy, physical therapy, visual instruction, orientation and mobility, teacher of the deaf, and audiologist services.

If you are in need of any assistance, contact the Student Services Office at (440)-353-1136.

Jackie Vance
Director of Student Services

Dana Eggers
Coordinator of Student Services


Elizabeth Fleming
Coordinator of Student Services

Sarah Scott
Administrative Assistant

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Child Find Process

Within the North Ridgeville City Schools, we are constantly involved in the process of “Child Find.” We are seeking out students ages birth through age 21 who may qualify for special education and related services as described in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA), formerly known as IDEA (the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act).

When a child is suspected of having a disability that may require special education and related services, the district may, with parent consent, initiate the process of conducting a multi-factored evaluation. The district is required by law to implement interventions for those students attending school before initiating a  multi-factored evaluation.